Timezone of VietNam is Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh. To change default timezone in centos, follow this struction. mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh /etc/localtime Type date in terminal and you will see time in Viet Nam In Linux, the system time zone is determined by the symbolic link /etc/localtime . This link points to a time zone data file that describes the local time zone. The time zone data files are located at either /usr/lib/zoneinfo or /usr/share/zoneinfo depending on what distribution of Linux you use. For example, on a SuSE system located in New Jersey the /etc/localtime link would point to /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern . On a Debian system the /etc/localtime link would point to /usr/lib/zoneinfo/US/Eastern . If you fail to find the zoneinfo directory in either the /usr/lib or /usr/share directories, either do a find /usr -print | grep zoneinfo or consult your distribution's do...
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